Episode 3:Accents are going to happen

Valdani has disappeared.

Zaxal uses their blood to place a hand print on the side of the Inn, and uses a knife to strike it through.

The party enters the Sleeping Giant Inn. The tavern is rough and unkempt, food is scarce and ale is plentiful. There are few patrons remaining, some ruffians. Zaxal stares them down and says "your friends are around the corner". They leave, followed by one of the ruffians. Pinecone squats in the shadows and springs upon the ruffian as he exits, quickly dispatching him.

Red robes are taken from the unburnt bodies, they drag them under the blood hand sign.

The party returns to their accommodation and rests.

During breakfast, Zaxal sits alone and overhears a conversation about some sisters from the Shrine of Luck (Goddess of Luck) getting injured in a quest for a relic. Zaxal leaves to go find Feniks, he gets her from the green area from the outskirts of town and they head to the Shrine.

Malo and Pinecone are feasting over a pile of breakfast foods. Cirelda approaches Malo and Pinecone and tells (in a previously unhear Irish accent) of some business with orcs that will allow him to pay the party back for their generosity. Pinecone is using a red cloak as a napkin as he eats. Cirelda questions Pinecone on how he came to be in possession of such a thing. Pinecone admits drunken rage and potential murder. They start negotiating whether Pinecone has to pay for his breakfast and it becomes an argument. Malo directs Cirelda to see "fur mami". Cirelda tells Malo that he would appreciate some help and that the party is welcome to join him.

At the shrine, Zaxal speaks to the acolyte/sister who had been injured in the relic hunt. They learn that a banshee "Agatha" has information about a relic spellbook, and she was trying to find it when she was set upon by creatures of the night.

They return to the inn to find a pile of empty plates and a satisfied Malo and Pinecone. Feniks remains outside, Malo indicates that they should head to the town hall building to see Cirelda and then immediately runs out. Pinecone and Zaxal argue over who is to pay for breakfast. Pinecone leaves, followed by Zaxal.

The party heads to town hall, they see a sign on the noticeboard regarding a job to deal with local orc problem.

Pinecone barges in and is immediately disrespectful to the town master, of whom Cirelda is having a heated argument. They have been arguing whether the red cloaks or the orcs are the most pressing problem. The master seems to think the orcs are a problem and the red ruffians are of no concern. They are offered 100 gold for the removal of the orcs.

Zaxal goes to the Lion Shield Coster to purchase a map for the journey. The shopkeeper shows displeasure to Pinecone and refuses to serve him. Feniks looks at the map and with Fenrir walks towards the trail to scout ahead.

Pinecone goes to Barthens provisions and purchases an oxen, he gives Malo a ride. They head in the direction that Feniks went.

Zaxal remains at Barthens provisions and enquires after the oxen and gets the remaining one and follows the rest.

At sunset, Feniks makes camp and waits for the rest to catch up. Zaxal takes first watch and attempts to burn a hand print into one of the surrounding the trees. He calls for Rietta (red mami). The tree becomes a giant block of Chlorine.

Zaxal takes first watch and some hobgoblins descend upon the camp. Pinecone appears to only have consideration for the oxen. Feniks is unable to shoot them, and throws her bow on the ground in frustration, growling. Zaxal removes his cloak revealing tendrils of black smokey magic and destroys all but one foe. The last hobgoblin turns tail and is struck down magically by Zaxal.

Feniks takes next shift, notices that there are people passing by but are not coming near to camp due to the wall of hobgoblin corpses in view. Feniks wakes Zaxal for the next watch as she does not trust the others. Zaxal is exhausted from a long night of keeping watch.

They break camp the next day and are set upon by a flock of winged beasts that resemble bats. The bats attach to Feniks and Zaxal. A quick skirmish ends in blood everywhere and no more bats.


Episode 4: TPK? TPK twice?


Starter Season Episode 2: Loosing a Bired-en